Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Adjusting to Change from a Gambling Life

July 3 - Change is a part of the flow of life.  Sometimes we're frustrated because change seems slow in coming.  Sometimes, too, we're resistant to a change that seems to have been thrust upon us.  We must remember that change, in and of itself, neither binds us nor frees us. Only our attitude toward change binds or frees.  As we learn to flow with the stream of life, praying for guidance about any change that presents itself - praying, also, for guidance if we want to make a change and none seems in view - we become willing.

Am I willing to let God take charge, directing me in the changes I should make and the course I should take?

Today I Pray - When change comes too fast - or not fast enough - for me, I pray I can adjust accordingly to make use of the freedom the Gamblers Anonymous Program offers to me.  I pray for the guidance of my Higher Power when change presents itself - or when it doesn't and I wish it would.  May I listen for direction from that Power.

Today I Will Remember - God is in charge.

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