Thursday, July 4, 2013

Independence from Gambling - Happy 4th of July!

July 4 Independence Day - It's time for me to become willing to do what it takes to recover my personal responsibility, even if that means giving over the financial reins to another.  Just as there are paradoxes in the Steps - admitting my life's unmanageablility in order that it become manageable again, surrendering to a Higher Power in order to become liberated - there will be other paradoxes in my recovery.  Allowing a trusted family member or professional to take over management of my finances in order for me to become fiscally responsible may be one of those paradoxes.  I have proved that I am powerless over gambling - and over the emotional highs and lows that went with it.  Now is the time to give up my lonely disaster course and begin to interact with others, accepting any help my Higher Power provides.

Have I accepted that, although my recovery is my own, I sometimes need to count on others for their help and encouragement?

Today I Pray - May the Gamblers Anonymous Program, with God's help, give me a chance to live a steady, creative, outreaching life.  May I accept the strength others offer me, as I willingly share my strength with others.  May I realize on this Declaration of Independence Day that I, too, have a celebration of freedom - from my gambling addiction.

Today I Will Remember - To celebrate my personal freedom.

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