Saturday, July 20, 2013

Control what you can

This is pretty much the Serenity Prayer......July 20 - "It is the privilege of wisdom to listen," Oliver Wendell Holmes once wrote.  If I try as hard as I can to cultivate the art of listening - uncritically and without making premature judgements - chances are great that I'll progress more rapidly in my recovery.  If I try as hard as I can to listen to the feelings and thoughts expressed - rather than to the "speaker" - I may be blessed with an unexpectedly helpful idea.  The essential quality of good listening is humility, which reflects the fact that God's voice speaks to us even through the least and most inarticulate of His children.

Does my holier-than-thou attitude sometimes close my mind to the shared suggestions of others?

Today I Pray - May my Higher Power keep me from being "holier-than-thou" with anyone whose manner or language or opposite point of view or apparent lack of knowledge turns me off to what they are saying.  May I be listening always for the voice of God, which can be heard through the speech of any one of us.

Today I Will Remember - Hear the speech, not the speaker.

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