August 20 - All of the Twelve Steps ask us to go contrary to our natural
inclinations and desires; they puncture, squeeze, and finally deflate
our egos. When it comes to ego deflation, few Steps are harder to take
than the Fifth, which suggests that we "admit to ourselves and to
another human being the exact nature of our wrongs." Few Steps are
harder to take, yes, but scarcely any other Step is as necessary to
long-term freedom from gambling addiction.
Have I quit living by myself with the tormenting ghosts of yesterday?
Today I Pray - May God give me strength to face that great ego-pincher -
Step Five. May I not hesitate to call a trusted hearer of Firth Steps,
set up a meeting, and share this Step. By accepting responsibility for
my behavior, and then sharing my account of it with one other, I am
actually unburdening myself.
Today I Will Remember - My Fifth Step pain is also my liberation.
Gamblers Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from a gambling problem. GA of West Michigan serves Grand Rapids, Grand Haven, Hudsonville, Whitehall, and all surrounding communities.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Monday, August 19, 2013
How does gamblers anonymous work?
August 19 - "How does the Gamblers Anonymous Program work?" newcomers
sometimes ask. The two answers I most often hear are "very well" and
"slowly." I'm appreciative of both answers, facetious as they may first
sound, because my self-analyzing tends to be faulty. Sometimes I've
failed to share my defects with the right people; other times, I've
confessed their defects, rather than my own; at still other times, my
sharing of defects has been more in the nature of shrill complaints
about problems. The fact is that none of us liked the self-searching,
the leveling of our pride, and the confession of shortcomings that the
Steps require. But we eventually see that the GA Program really works.
Have I picked up the simple kit of spiritual tools laid at my feet?
Today I Pray - May God keep me from laying out my defects by comparing them to someone else's. We are, by nature, relativists and comparers, who think in terms of "worse than," "not quite as bad as," or "better than." May I know that my faults are faults, whether or not they are "better than" others'.
Today I Will Remember - Shortcomings are shortcomings, even when they are "better than."
Have I picked up the simple kit of spiritual tools laid at my feet?
Today I Pray - May God keep me from laying out my defects by comparing them to someone else's. We are, by nature, relativists and comparers, who think in terms of "worse than," "not quite as bad as," or "better than." May I know that my faults are faults, whether or not they are "better than" others'.
Today I Will Remember - Shortcomings are shortcomings, even when they are "better than."
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Don't fool yourself into gambling again
August 18 - As compulsive gamblers, self-delusion was intricately woven
through almost all of what we thought and did. We became experts at
convincing ourselves, when necessary, that black was white, that wrong
was right, or even that day was night. Now that we're in the Gamblers
Anonymous Program, our need for self-delusion is fading. If I'm fooling
myself these days, my sponsor can spot it quickly. And, as he or she
skillfully steers me away from my fantasies, I find that I'm less and
less likely to defend myself against reality and unpleasant truths about
myself. Gradually, in the process, my pride, fear, and ignorance are
losing their destructive power.
Do I firmly believe that a solitary self-appraisal wouldn't be nearly enough?
Today I Pray - May I understand that not only must I look to my Higher Power, but that I needed to trust my fellow members of the group in this Step of self-evaluation. For we mirror each other in all our delusions and fantasies, and with these facing mirrors, we produce a depth of perspective that we could never come by alone.
Today I Will Remember - To see myself all around, I need a three way mirror - with reflections from God, my friends, and me.
Do I firmly believe that a solitary self-appraisal wouldn't be nearly enough?
Today I Pray - May I understand that not only must I look to my Higher Power, but that I needed to trust my fellow members of the group in this Step of self-evaluation. For we mirror each other in all our delusions and fantasies, and with these facing mirrors, we produce a depth of perspective that we could never come by alone.
Today I Will Remember - To see myself all around, I need a three way mirror - with reflections from God, my friends, and me.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Find the goodness in you
August 17 - The Fourth Step suggests we make a searching and fearless
moral and financial inventory - not an immoral inventory of ourselves.
The Steps are guidelines to recovery, not whipping posts for
self-flagellation. Taking my inventory doesn't mean concentrating on my
shortcomings until all the good is hidden from view. By the same
token, recognizing the good need not be an act of pride or conceit. If I
recognize my good qualities as God-given, I can take an inventory with
true humility while experiencing satisfaction in what is pleasant,
loving, and generous in me.
Will I try to believe, in Walt Whitman's words, "I am larger, better than I thought; I did not know I held so much goodness..."
Today I Pray - When I find good things about myself, as I undertake this inner archaeological dig, may I give credit where it is due - to God, who is the giver of all good. May I appreciate whatever is good about me with humility, as a gift from God.
Today I Will Remember - Goodness is a gift from God.
Will I try to believe, in Walt Whitman's words, "I am larger, better than I thought; I did not know I held so much goodness..."
Today I Pray - When I find good things about myself, as I undertake this inner archaeological dig, may I give credit where it is due - to God, who is the giver of all good. May I appreciate whatever is good about me with humility, as a gift from God.
Today I Will Remember - Goodness is a gift from God.
Friday, August 16, 2013
Take comfort in your positive qualities
August 16 - Inventory taking isn't always done in red ink. It's a
rare day when we haven't done something right. As I uncover and face my
shortcomings, my many good qualities will be revealed to me also,
reminding me that they have the same reality as my faults. Even when
we've tried hard and failed, for instance, we can chalk that up as one
of the greatest credits of all. I'll try to appreciate my good
qualities, because they not only offset the faults, but give me a
foundation on which to grow. It's just as self-deceptive to discount
what's good in us as to justify what is not.
Can I take comfort in my positive qualities, accepting myself as a friend?
Today I Pray - If I find only defects when I look in that Fourth Step mirror, may I be sure that I am missing something - namely my good points. Although my ultra-modesty may be approved socially, may I learn that it is just as dishonest as rationalizing away my faults. Even an out-and-out failure, if examined from all sides, may turn up a plus along with the obvious minuses.
Today I Will Remember - To give myself, if not an A for effort, at least an average B minus.
Can I take comfort in my positive qualities, accepting myself as a friend?
Today I Pray - If I find only defects when I look in that Fourth Step mirror, may I be sure that I am missing something - namely my good points. Although my ultra-modesty may be approved socially, may I learn that it is just as dishonest as rationalizing away my faults. Even an out-and-out failure, if examined from all sides, may turn up a plus along with the obvious minuses.
Today I Will Remember - To give myself, if not an A for effort, at least an average B minus.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Take Stock in your Future
August 15 - It's often said that you can't tell a book by its cover.
For many of us, our "covers" or surface records haven't looked all that
bad; it seemed at first, that making an inventory would be "a breeze."
As we proceeded, we were dismayed to discover that our "covers" were
relatively blemish-free only because we'd deeply buried our defects
beneath layers of self-deception. For that reason, self-searching can
be a long-term process; it must go on for as long as we remain blind to
the flaws that ambushed us into addiction and misery.
Will I try to face myself as I am, correcting whatever is keeping me from being the person I want to be?
Today I Pray - May God aid me in my soul-searching, because I have hidden many of my faults neatly from friends, family, and especially myself. If I feel "more sinned against, than sinning," may I take it as a clue that I need to dig deeper for the real me.
Today I Will Remember - Taking stock of myself is buying stock in my future.
Will I try to face myself as I am, correcting whatever is keeping me from being the person I want to be?
Today I Pray - May God aid me in my soul-searching, because I have hidden many of my faults neatly from friends, family, and especially myself. If I feel "more sinned against, than sinning," may I take it as a clue that I need to dig deeper for the real me.
Today I Will Remember - Taking stock of myself is buying stock in my future.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Find yourself in the middle of nowhere?
August 14 - Step Four enables me to see myself as I really am - my
characteristics, motives, attitudes, and behaviors. I'm taught in
Gamblers Anonymous to search out my mistakes resolutely. Where, for
example, had I been selfish, dishonest, self-seeking, and frightened?
I'm taught, also, that my deeply rooted habit of self-justification may
tempt me to "explain away" each fault as I uncover it, blaming others
for my own shortcomings.
Will I believe that personal honesty can achieve what superior knowledge often cannot?
Today I Pray - May I not make the Fourth Step a once-over-lightly, let's-get-it-over-with exercise in self-appraisal. May I know that, once I take this Step, I must review it again many times until it becomes, like the other eleven, a way of life for me. May I protect the value of my Fourth Step from my old habit of head-tripping and buckpassing my way out of responsibility.
Today I Will Remember - Personal honesty paves the way to recovery.
Will I believe that personal honesty can achieve what superior knowledge often cannot?
Today I Pray - May I not make the Fourth Step a once-over-lightly, let's-get-it-over-with exercise in self-appraisal. May I know that, once I take this Step, I must review it again many times until it becomes, like the other eleven, a way of life for me. May I protect the value of my Fourth Step from my old habit of head-tripping and buckpassing my way out of responsibility.
Today I Will Remember - Personal honesty paves the way to recovery.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Don't run from your recovery
August 13 - The Gamblers Anonymous Program's Fourth Step suggests that
we make a searching and fearless moral and financial inventory of
ourselves. For some of us, no challenge seems more formidable; there's
nothing more difficult than facing ourselves as we really are. We flee
from one wrongdoing after another as they catch up with us, forever
making excuses, pleading always that our virtues in other areas far
outweigh our flaws. Yet once we become willing to look squarely and
self-searchingly at ourselves, we're then able to illuminate the dark
and negative side of our natures with new vision, determination, and
Am I willing to open my eyes and step out into the sunlight?
Today I Pray - May my Higher Power stop me in my tracks if I am running away from myself. For I will never overcome my misdeeds, or the flaws in my character that brought them about, by letting them chase me. May I slow down and turn to face them with the most trusty weapon I know - truth.
Today I Will Remember - I will not be a fugitive from myself.
Am I willing to open my eyes and step out into the sunlight?
Today I Pray - May my Higher Power stop me in my tracks if I am running away from myself. For I will never overcome my misdeeds, or the flaws in my character that brought them about, by letting them chase me. May I slow down and turn to face them with the most trusty weapon I know - truth.
Today I Will Remember - I will not be a fugitive from myself.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Allow serenity into your life
August 12 - Someone once inquired of a Zen master, "How do you maintain
such serenity and peace?" He replied, "I never leave my place of
meditation." Although he meditated early in the morning, for the rest
of the day he carried the peace of those moments with him. Being quiet,
slowing down, is one of the most difficult tasks facing most compulsive
gamblers in their recovery. Action has been a way of life for so long
that I have to learn all over again to slow down and listen. Beginning
each day in prayer and meditation can be the most rewarding experience
of my day. When I choose to take that peace and serenity with me
throughout the day, the world itself seems to slow down and move at my
pace, rather than spinning so fast that I'm always running to catch up.
Will I cherish the glorious peace that comes through mediation?
Today I Pray - May my days begin slowly, in quietness, and remain peaceful, as I keep my focus on what is before me to do at the moment, instead of projecting a blur of unsettling activity. As frenetic action was a symptom of my compulsion, serenity is a sign of my recovery.
Today I Will Remember - To allow serenity into my life.
Will I cherish the glorious peace that comes through mediation?
Today I Pray - May my days begin slowly, in quietness, and remain peaceful, as I keep my focus on what is before me to do at the moment, instead of projecting a blur of unsettling activity. As frenetic action was a symptom of my compulsion, serenity is a sign of my recovery.
Today I Will Remember - To allow serenity into my life.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Don't sweat the small stuff
August 11 - When I dwell on piddling things that annoy me - and they
sprout resentments that grow bigger and bigger like weeds - I forget how
I could be stretching my world and broadening my outlook. For me,
that's an ideal way to shrink troubles down to their real size. When
somebody or something is causing me trouble, I should try to see the
incident in relation to the rest of my life - especially the part that's
good and for which I should be grateful.
Am I willing to waste my life worrying about trifles that drain my spiritual energy?
Today I Pray - May God keep me form worrying unduly about small things. May He, instead, open my eyes to the grandeur of His universe and the ceaseless wonders of His earth. May He grant me the breadth of vision that can reduce any small, fretful concern of mine to the size of a fly on a cathedral window.
Today I Will Remember - Microscopic irritations can ruin my vision.
Am I willing to waste my life worrying about trifles that drain my spiritual energy?
Today I Pray - May God keep me form worrying unduly about small things. May He, instead, open my eyes to the grandeur of His universe and the ceaseless wonders of His earth. May He grant me the breadth of vision that can reduce any small, fretful concern of mine to the size of a fly on a cathedral window.
Today I Will Remember - Microscopic irritations can ruin my vision.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
All injustices cannot be fixed
August 10 - We've been our own worst enemies most of our lives, and
we've often injured ourselves seriously as a result of a "justified"
resentment over a slight wrong. Doubtless there are many causes for
resentment in the world, most of them providing "justification." But we
can never begin to settle all the world's grievances or even arrange
things so as to please everybody. If we've been treated unjustly by
others or simply by life itself, we can avoid compounding the difficulty
by completely forgiving the persons involved and abandoning the
destructive habit of reviewing our hurts and humiliations.
Can I believe that yesterday's hurt is today's understanding, rewoven into tomorrow's love?
Today I Pray - Whether I am unjustly treated or just think I am, may I try not to be a resentful person, stewing over past injuries. Once I have identified the root emotion behind my resentment, may I be big enough to forgive the person involved and wise enough to forget the whole thing.
Today I Will Remember - Not all injustice can be fixed.
Can I believe that yesterday's hurt is today's understanding, rewoven into tomorrow's love?
Today I Pray - Whether I am unjustly treated or just think I am, may I try not to be a resentful person, stewing over past injuries. Once I have identified the root emotion behind my resentment, may I be big enough to forgive the person involved and wise enough to forget the whole thing.
Today I Will Remember - Not all injustice can be fixed.
Friday, August 9, 2013
Set aside fear and resentments
August 9 - On numerous occasions, I've found that there's a strong
connection between my fears and my resentments. If I secretly fear that
I'm inadequate, for example, I'll tend to resent deeply anybody whose
actions or words expose my imagined inadequacy. But it's usually too
painful to admit that my own fears and doubts about myself are the cause
of my resentments. It's a lot easier to pin the blame on someone
else's "bad behavior" or "selfish motives" - and use that as the
justification for my resentments.
Do I realize that by resenting someone, I allow that person to live rent-free in my head?
Today I Pray - May God help me overcome my feelings of inadequacy. May I know that when I consistently regard myself as a notch or two lower than the next person, I am not giving due credit to my Creator, who has given each of us a special and worthwhile blend of talents. I am, in fact, grumbling about God's Divine Plan. May I look behind my trash-pile of resentments for my own self-doubt.
Today I Will Remember - As I build myself up, I tear down my resentments.
Do I realize that by resenting someone, I allow that person to live rent-free in my head?
Today I Pray - May God help me overcome my feelings of inadequacy. May I know that when I consistently regard myself as a notch or two lower than the next person, I am not giving due credit to my Creator, who has given each of us a special and worthwhile blend of talents. I am, in fact, grumbling about God's Divine Plan. May I look behind my trash-pile of resentments for my own self-doubt.
Today I Will Remember - As I build myself up, I tear down my resentments.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Let go of the anger
August 8 - As a recovering compulsive gambler, I have to remind myself
that no amount of social acceptance of resentments will take the poison
out of them. In a way, the problem of resentments is very much like the
gambling problem. A poker game or casino is never safe for me. I've
attended benefits for worthy causes, often in a convivial atmosphere
that makes gambling seem almost harmless.
Just as I politely but adamantly decline gambling under any conditions, will I also refuse to accept resentments?
Today I Pray - When anger, hurt, fear, or guilt - to be socially acceptable - put on their polite, party manners, dress up as resentments, and come in the side door, may I not hobnob with them. These emotions, disguised as they are, can be as full of trickery as gambling itself.
Today I Will Remember - Keep an eye on the side door.
Just as I politely but adamantly decline gambling under any conditions, will I also refuse to accept resentments?
Today I Pray - When anger, hurt, fear, or guilt - to be socially acceptable - put on their polite, party manners, dress up as resentments, and come in the side door, may I not hobnob with them. These emotions, disguised as they are, can be as full of trickery as gambling itself.
Today I Will Remember - Keep an eye on the side door.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Let go of the resentments
August 7 - What can we do about our resentments? Experience has shown
that the best thing to do is to write them down, listing people,
institutions, or principles that are objects of our anger or
resentment. When I write down my resentments and then ask myself why
I'm resentful, I've discovered that in most cases my self-esteem, my
finances, my ambitions, or my personal relationships have been hurt or
Will I ever learn that the worst thing about my resentments is my endless rehearsal of my acts of retribution?
Today I Pray - May God help me find a way to get rid of my resentments. May I give up the hours spent making up little play-lets, in which I star as the angry man or woman cleverly shouting down the person who has threatened me. Since these dramas are never produced, may I instead list my resentful feelings and look at the whys behind each one. May this be a way of shelving them.
Today I Will Remember - Resentments cause violence: resentments cause illness in nonviolent people.
Will I ever learn that the worst thing about my resentments is my endless rehearsal of my acts of retribution?
Today I Pray - May God help me find a way to get rid of my resentments. May I give up the hours spent making up little play-lets, in which I star as the angry man or woman cleverly shouting down the person who has threatened me. Since these dramas are never produced, may I instead list my resentful feelings and look at the whys behind each one. May this be a way of shelving them.
Today I Will Remember - Resentments cause violence: resentments cause illness in nonviolent people.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Resentments are rubbish
August 6 - Sometimes through bitter experience and painful lessons, we
learn in our fellowship with others in Gamblers Anonymous that
resentment is our number one enemy. It destroys more of us than anyone
else. From resentment stem all forms of spiritual disease, for we've
been not only mentally and physically ill, but spiritually ill as well.
As we recover and as our spiritual illness is remedied, we become well
physically and mentally.
Am I aware that few things are more bitter than to feel bitter? Do I see that my venom is more poisonous to me than to my victim?
Today I Pray - I ask for help in removing the pile of resentments I have collected. May I learn that resentments are play-actors, too; they may be fears - losing a job, a love, an opportunity; they may be hurts or guilty feelings. May I know that God is my healer. May I admit my need.
Today I Will Remember - Resentments are rubbish; haul them away.
Am I aware that few things are more bitter than to feel bitter? Do I see that my venom is more poisonous to me than to my victim?
Today I Pray - I ask for help in removing the pile of resentments I have collected. May I learn that resentments are play-actors, too; they may be fears - losing a job, a love, an opportunity; they may be hurts or guilty feelings. May I know that God is my healer. May I admit my need.
Today I Will Remember - Resentments are rubbish; haul them away.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Be good to yourself
August 5 - Among the important things we learn in Gamblers Anonymous is
to be good to ourselves. For so many of us though, this is a
surprisingly difficult thing to do. Some of us relish our suffering so
much that we balloon each happening to enormous proportions in the
reliving and telling. Self-pitiers are drawn to martyrdom as if by a
powerful magnet - until the joys of serenity and contentment come to
them though the GA Program and Twelve Steps.
Am I gradually learning to be myself?
Today I Pray - May I learn to forgive myself. I have asked - and received - forgiveness from God and from others, so why is it so hard to forgive myself? Why do I still magnify my suffering? Why do I go on licking my emotional wounds? May I follow God's forgiving example, get on with the Program, and learn to be good to myself.
Today I Will Remember - Martyrdom; martyr dumb.
Am I gradually learning to be myself?
Today I Pray - May I learn to forgive myself. I have asked - and received - forgiveness from God and from others, so why is it so hard to forgive myself? Why do I still magnify my suffering? Why do I go on licking my emotional wounds? May I follow God's forgiving example, get on with the Program, and learn to be good to myself.
Today I Will Remember - Martyrdom; martyr dumb.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Count your Blessings
August 4 - One of the best ways to get out of the self-pity trap is to
do some "instant bookkeeping." For every entry of misery on the debit
side of our ledger, we can surely find a blessing to mark on the credit
side: the health we enjoy, the illnesses we don't have, the friends who
love us and who allow us to love them, a clean twenty-four hours, a
good day's work. If we only try, we can easily list a whole string of
credits that will far outweigh the debit entries that bring about
Is my emotional balance on the credit side today?
Today I Pray - May I learn to sort out my debits and credits, and add it all up. May I list my several blessings on the credit side. May my ledger show me, when all is totaled, a fat fund of good things to draw on.
Today I Will Remember - I have blessings in my savings.
Is my emotional balance on the credit side today?
Today I Pray - May I learn to sort out my debits and credits, and add it all up. May I list my several blessings on the credit side. May my ledger show me, when all is totaled, a fat fund of good things to draw on.
Today I Will Remember - I have blessings in my savings.
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Work the 12 Steps
August 3 - The Twelve Steps were designed specifically for people like
us - as a short cut to God. The Steps are very much like strong
medicine that can heal us of the sickness of despair, frustration, and
self-pity. Yet we're sometimes unwilling to use the Steps. Why?
Perhaps because we have a deep-down desire for martyrdom. Consciously
and intellectually, we think we want help on a gut level, though, some
hidden sense of guilt makes us crave punishment more than relief from
our ills.
Can I try to be cheerful when everything seems to be leading me to despair? Do I realize that despair is very often a mask for self-pity?
Today I Pray - May I pull out the secret guild inside that makes me want to punish myself. May I probe my despair and discover whether it is really an impostor - self-pity with a mask on. Now that I know that the Twelve Steps can bring relief, may I please use them instead of wallowing in my discomforts.
Today I Will Remember - The Twelve Steps are God's Stairway.
Can I try to be cheerful when everything seems to be leading me to despair? Do I realize that despair is very often a mask for self-pity?
Today I Pray - May I pull out the secret guild inside that makes me want to punish myself. May I probe my despair and discover whether it is really an impostor - self-pity with a mask on. Now that I know that the Twelve Steps can bring relief, may I please use them instead of wallowing in my discomforts.
Today I Will Remember - The Twelve Steps are God's Stairway.
Haha on the picture today! It made me chuckle!
Friday, August 2, 2013
Compare yourself to the person from yesterday
August 2 - When I begin to compare my life with the lives of others,
I've begun to move toward the edge of the murky swamp of self-pity. On
the other hand, if I feel that what I'm doing is right and good, I won't
be so dependent on the admiration or approval of others. Applause is
well and good, but it's not essential to my inner contentment. I'm in
the Gamblers Anonymous Program to get rid of self-pity, not to increase
its power to destroy me.
Am I learning how others have dealt with their problems, so I can apply these lessons to my own life?
Today I Pray - God, make me ever mindful of where I came from and the new goals I have been encouraged to set. May I stop playing to an audience for their approval, since I am fully capable of admiring or applauding myself if I feel I have earned it. Help me make myself attractive from the inside, so it will show through, rather than adorning the outside for effect. I am tired of stage make-up and costumes, God; help me be myself.
Today I Will Remember - Has anyone seen ME?
Am I learning how others have dealt with their problems, so I can apply these lessons to my own life?
Today I Pray - God, make me ever mindful of where I came from and the new goals I have been encouraged to set. May I stop playing to an audience for their approval, since I am fully capable of admiring or applauding myself if I feel I have earned it. Help me make myself attractive from the inside, so it will show through, rather than adorning the outside for effect. I am tired of stage make-up and costumes, God; help me be myself.
Today I Will Remember - Has anyone seen ME?
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Self pity is our worst enemy
August 1 - Self-pity is one of the most miserable and consuming defects I
know. Because of its interminable demands for attention and sympathy,
my self-pity cuts off my communication with others, especially
communication with my Higher Power. When I look at it that way, I
realize that self-pity limits my spiritual progress. It's also a very
real form of martyrdom, which is a luxury I simply can't afford. The
remedy, I've been taught, is to have a hard look at myself and a still
harder one at the Gamblers Anonymous Program's Twelve Steps to Recovery.
Do I ask my Higher Power to relieve me of the bondage to self?
Today I Pray - May I know from observation that self-pitiers get almost no pity from anyone else. Nobody - not even God - can fill their outsized demands for sympathy. May I recognize my own unsavory feeling of self-pity when it creeps in to rob me of my serenity. May God keep me wary of its sneakiness.
Today I Will Remember - My captor is my self.
Do I ask my Higher Power to relieve me of the bondage to self?
Today I Pray - May I know from observation that self-pitiers get almost no pity from anyone else. Nobody - not even God - can fill their outsized demands for sympathy. May I recognize my own unsavory feeling of self-pity when it creeps in to rob me of my serenity. May God keep me wary of its sneakiness.
Today I Will Remember - My captor is my self.
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