Monday, August 12, 2013

Allow serenity into your life

Serenity PrayerAugust 12 - Someone once inquired of a Zen master, "How do you maintain such serenity and peace?" He replied, "I never leave my place of meditation."  Although he meditated early in the morning, for the rest of the day he carried the peace of those moments with him.  Being quiet, slowing down, is one of the most difficult tasks facing most compulsive gamblers in their recovery.  Action has been a way of life for so long that I have to learn all over again to slow down and listen.  Beginning each day in prayer and meditation can be the most rewarding experience of my day.  When I choose to take that peace and serenity with me throughout the day, the world itself seems to slow down and move at my pace, rather than spinning so fast that I'm always running to catch up.

Will I cherish the glorious peace that comes through mediation?

Today I Pray - May my days begin slowly, in quietness, and remain peaceful, as I keep my focus on what is before me to do at the moment, instead of projecting a blur of unsettling activity.  As frenetic action was a symptom of my compulsion, serenity is a sign of my recovery.

Today I Will Remember - To allow serenity into my life.

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