Sunday, March 31, 2013

Don't Slip

March 31 -- My illness is unlike most other illnesses in that denial that I am sick is a primary symptom of my sickness. Like many other incurable illnesses, however my illness is characterized by relapses. In Gamblers Anonymous Program, we call such relapses "slips." The one thing I know for certain is that I alone can cause myself to slip.

Will I remember at all times that the thought precedes the action? Will I try to avoid "stinking thinking?"

Today I Pray --  God give me the power to resist temptation. May the responsibility for giving in, for having a "slip." be on my shoulders and mine only. May I see beforehand if I am setting myself up for a slip by blame-shifting, shirking my responsibility to myself, becoming the world's poor puppet once again. My return to those old attitudes can be as much of a slip as the act of placing a bet.
Today I Will Remember - Nobody's slip proof.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Finding humility

March 30 -- Reflection of the Day: Absolute humility means freedom from myself, freedom from the demands that my character defects place so heavily upon me. Humility means the willingness to discover and carry out the will of God. Although I do not presume to attain such a vision, just keeping it in my heart helps me know where I stand on the road to humility. I recognize that my journey toward God has barely begun. As I shrink in self-importance, I may even find the humor in my former pomp and ego-tripping.

Do I take myself too seriously?

Today I Pray: May the grandiosity that is a symptom of my addiction be brought back into proportion by the simple comparison of my powerlessness with the power of God. May I think of the meaning of Higher Power as it relates to my human frality. May it bring my ego back down to scale and help me shed my defenses of pomp or bluster or secret ideas of self-importance.

Today I Will Remember: Humility is freedom.

Copyright © 1994 Hazelden Foundation

Friday, March 29, 2013

Understanding the Illness

March 29 -- Reflection of the Day: Why do people gamble compulsively? Dr. Robert Custer, a pioneer in the treatment of compulsive gambling, believed we have four basic human needs--affection, approval, recognition, and self-confidence. When these needs are not met, people feel inadequate and overwhelmed by life. Gambling may--for a time--appear to fill these needs. But whatever the cause, the principles and Fellowship of Gamblers Anonymous have proved effective in helping thousands overcome the compulsion to gamble.

Am I grateful for the insights and fellowship of Gamblers Anonymous?

Today I Pray: May God expand my understanding of the illness of compulsive gambling through life stories shared in the safe harbor of the GA meeting. There, we learn the true meaning of "winning"--over the addiction to gambling and all of its life-affecting negative effects. May God continue to show me the positives that can be mine through working the Program honestly and wholeheartedly.

Today I Will Remember: The Program has the answers.

Copyright © 1994 Hazelden Foundation

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Doing Our Part

March 28 -- Reflection of the Day: We must think deeply of all those sick persons still to come to Gamblers Anonymous. As they try to make their return to faith and to life, we want them to find everything in the program that we have found--even more, if that is possible. No care, no vigilance, no effort to preserve the Program's constant effectiveness and spiritual strength will ever be too great to hold us in full readiness for the day of their homecoming.

How well do I respect the Steps of the Program?

Today I Pray: God, help me carry out my part in making the group a lifeline for those who are still suffering from compulsive gambling, in maintaining the Steps of Recovery and Unity that have made it work for me and for those who are still to come. May the Program be a "homecoming" for those of us who share the disease of compulsive gambling. May we find common solutions to the common problems that this disease breeds.

Today I Will Remember: To do my part.

Copyright © 1994 Hazelden Foundation

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Cleaning the Storefront

March 27 -- Reflection of the Day: Storing up grievances is not only a waste of time, but a waste of life that could be lived to greater satisfaction. If I keep a ledger of "oppressions and indignities," I'm only restoring them to painful reality. In Lewis Carroll's Though the Looking Glass, ""The horror of that moment,' the King said, 'I shall never, never forget.' 'You will though' said the Queen, 'if you don't make a memorandum of it."

Am I keeping a secret storehouse for the wreckage of my past?

Today I Pray: God keep me from harboring the sludge from the past--grievances, annoyances, grudges, oppressions, wrongs, injustices, put-downs, slights, hurts. They will nag at me and consume my time in rehashing what I might have said or done, until I face each one, name the emotion it produces in me, settle it as best I can--and forget it. May I empty my storehouse of old grievances.

Today I Will Remember: Don't rattle old bones.

Copyright © 1994 Hazelden

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Keep Busy with Active Participation in Gamblers Anonymous

March 26 - I know today that getting active means trying to live the Steps of the GA Program to the best of my ability.  It means striving for some degree of honesty, first with myself, then with others.  It means actively directed inward, to enable me to see myself and my relationship with my Higher Power more clearly.  As I get active, outside and inside myself, so shall I grow in the Program.

Do I let others do all the work at meetings?  Do I carry my share?

Today I Pray - May I realize that "letting go and letting God" does not mean that I do not have to put any effort into the Program.  It is up to me to work the Twelve Steps, to learn what may be an entirely new thing with me - honesty.  May I differentiate between activity for activity's sake - busy work to keep me from thinking - and the thoughtful activity that helps me to grow.

Today I Will Remember - "Letting God" means letting God show us how.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Higher Power can be Anything Stronger than your Addiction

March 25 - If a compulsive gambler wants to live successfully in society, he or she must replace the power of gambling over his/her life with the power of something else - preferably positive, at least neutral, but not negative.  That is why we say to the agnostic newcomer:  If you can't believe in God, find a positive power that is as great as the power of your addiction, and give it the power and dependence you gave to your addiction.  In GA, the agnostic is left free to find his or her Higher Power, and can use the principles of the Program and the therapy of the meeting to aid in rebuilding his/her life.

Will I go out of my way to work with newcomers?

Today I Pray - May the Power of the GA Program work its miracles equally for those who believe in a personal God or in a Universal spirit of in the strength of the group itself, or for those who define their Higher Power in their own terms, religious or not.  If newcomers are disturbed by the religiosity of the Program, may I welcome them on their own spiritual terms.  May I recognize that we are all spiritual beings.

Today I Will Remember - To each his won spirituality.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

A Day at a Time

March 24 - All of us are faced with the troubles and problems of daily living, whether we've been in GA two days or twenty years.  We'd sometimes like to believe we could take care of all our problems right now, but it rarely works that way.  If we remember the slogan "A Day at a Time" when we are ready to panic, we may come to know that the very best way to handle anything is to "turn it over."  We put one foot in front of the other, doing the best we are capable of doing.  We say "A Day at a Time," and we do it - a day at a time.

Are the Program's slogans growing with me as I grow with the Program?

Today I Pray - May even the word's "A Day at a Tim" serve to slow me down in my headlong rust to accomplish too much too fast.  May just those words be enough to make me ease up on the accelerator that plunges me into new situations without enough forethought, ease off on the number of hours spent in material pursuits.  May I hark to the adage that Rome wasn't built in a single day.  Neither can I build solutions to my problems all at once.

Today I Will Remember - A Day at a Time. 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

No Reason to Return to Gambling

March 23 - GA teaches us, through the experience, strength, and hope of its Fellowship, that the worst situation imaginable does not warrant a return to gambling.  No matter how bad a particular situation or set of circumstances, the return to our old ways for even a minute will assuredly make it worse. 

Am I grateful for the caring and sharing of the Program?

Today I Pray - May I insist that no stone can be heavy enough to drag me back down into the pool of my addiction.  No burden, no disappointment, no blow to pride or loss of human love is worth the price of returning to my old way of life.  When I harbor thoughts that life is "too much" for me, that no one should be expected to "take so much and still remain sane" or that I am "the fall guy," let me listen for the tone of my complaints and remember that I have heard that whine before - before I concluded that I was powerless over gambling and gave my will over to the will of God.  Such wailing sets me up for gambling again.  May God keep my ears alert to the tone of my own complaining.

Today I Will Remember - Hear my own complaints. 

Friday, March 22, 2013

Depend on Faith in Gamblers Anonymous

March 22 - Once in a great while, I find myself thinking that perhaps things weren't quite so bad as they seemed to be.  At such moments, I force myself to realize that my illness is talking to me, trying to tempt me into denying that I am, in fact, afflicted with an illness.  One of the key action steps of the GA Program is that we give our illness to God as we understand Him, accepting our powerlessness in the face of His greater Power.

Do I believe that the grace of God can do for me what I could never do for myself?

Today I Pray - May I know that much of our lives depend on faith.  For we cannot know the limits of space and time - or explain the mysteries of life and death.  But when we see God working trough us - and through others who have found new life in the GA Program - it is all the evidence we need to know that God exists.

Today I Will Remember - The Big Wheel runs by faith.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The jackpot fuels addiction

The date is stamped onto Deborah Greenslit’s mind: May 19, 2010, her daughter’s 21st birthday. Greenslit went with a friend to Mohegan Sun in Uncasville, Conn.,  and played the slots. She spent $36, and the last time she pulled the lever she hit the jackpot: $752,000.

Greenslit knew just what she would do with the money: buy that beach cottage in Maine she had dreamed about for decades. But two years later she is “broke and broken,” as she puts it. The jackpot is long gone, much of it poured back into the slots at Mohegan Sun.

Read More:

Don't Place that First Bet

March 21 - The GA Program teaches us that we have an incurable illness.  We always get worse, never better.  But we're fortunate in that our incurable illness can be arrested, one day at a time, as long as we don't place that first bet. High-toned academic research and ivory tower studies to the contrary, we know from experience that we can no more control our gambling than we can control the ocean tides.

Do I have any double that I am powerless over gambling

Today I Pray - May I never fall prey to any short term research results that tell me that compulsive gambling can be cured, that it would be safe to begin gambling again, supposedly in a responsible manner.  May I know that, if I took up gambling again, I would begin where I left off - closer than ever to prison, insanity, or death.

Today I Will Remember - Be wary of new theories.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Why do we have gambling problems?

Experts who study gambling addiction remain a long way from knowing why people develop gambling problems. But researchers now know what happens inside the brains of gambling addicts that fuels the addiction, and how best to help them.

Read more:

First Things Firsts

March 20 - The longer I'm in GA, the more important becomes the slogan "First Things First."  I used to believe that my family came first, that my house life came first, that my job came first.  But I know today, in the depths of my heart, that if I can't stay clean, I'll have nothing.  "First Things First," to me, means that everything in my life depends on my refraining from gambling.

Am I grateful to be clean from gambling today?

Today I Pray - May my first priority, the topmost item on my list of concerns, be my abstinence from gambling - maintaining it, learning to live which I comfortably with it, sharing the tools by which I maintain it.  When other things crowd into my life and I am caught up in distractions, may I still preserve the first of all goal:  remaining free from gambling.

Today I Will Remember - First Things First.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Not Gambling gives Peace of Mind

March 19 - Placing one last bet will never again be for me simply killing a few minutes and leaving a nickel for the bookmaker.  In exchange for the first bet, what I'd plunk down now would be my bank account, my family, our home, our car, my sanity, and probably my life.  It's too big a price, and too great a risk.

Do you remember your last bet?

Today I Pray - May I be strong in the knowledge that God's spirit is with me at all times.  May I learn to feel that spiritual presence.  May I know that nothing is hidden from God.  Unlike the world, which approves or disapproves of my outward behavior, God sees all that I do, think, or feel.  If I seek to do God's will, I can always count on a reward for me - peace of mind.

Today I Will Remember - God knows all.

Monday, March 18, 2013

24 hours at a time

In the old days, we often had such devastating experiences that we fervently swore, "Never again."  We were absolutely sincere in those moments of desperation.  Yet, despite our intentions, the outcome was inevitably the same.  Eventually, the memory of our suffering faded, as did the memory of our "pledge."  So we did it again, ending up in even worse shape than when we had last "sworn off."  Forever turned out to be only a week, or a day, or less.  IN our GA Program, we learn that we need only be concerned about today, this particular 24 hour period.

Do I live my life just 24 hours at a time?

Today I Pray - May the long term requirements of such phrases as "never again," "not on your life," "forever," I'll never make another bet" not weaken my resolve.  "Forever," when it is broken down into single days - or even just parts of days - does not seem so impossibly long.  May I awake each day with my goal set realistically at just 24 hours.

Today I Will Remember - 24 hours at a time.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

No Temptation with Luck Today!

March 17 - "Lead us not into temptation," we pray, for we know with certainty that temptation lurks around the corner.  Temptation is cunning, baffling, powerful - and patient; we never know when it will catch us with our guard down.  Temptation could come in the siren song of a four color advertisement or a radio commercial, the neon and noise of a casino, or, more obviously, in the direct urgings of another person.  We must remain forever vigilant, remembering that the first bet, the first face off with a gambling machine, the first roll of the dice could well destroy our lives.

Am I aware of my number one priority?

Today I Pray - God, lead me out of temptation - whether it is the sound of rattling dice, the turn of a card at a poker party, the smoke of the Bingo hall.  May I know the limits of my resistance and stay well within them.  May my surrender to the will of God give a whole new meaning to that old phrase, "Get in the spirit."

Today I Will Remember - Get in the spirit. 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Prison, Insanity, or Death???

March 16 - GA teaches us that we are emotionally and mentally different from our fellows.  We are reminded that the great obsession of every compulsive gambler is to prove that somehow, someday, we will be able to control our gambling.  The persistence of this illusion is astonishing and many pursue it to the gates of prison, insanity, or death.

Have I conceded to my inner self that one bet is too many, and a thousand not enough?

Today I Pray - May I have no illusions about someday becoming a controlled gambler after being an obsessive one.  May I muffle any small voice of destructive pride which lies to me, telling me that I can now go back to my former addiction and control it.  This is a Program of no return, and I thank God for it.

Today I Will Remember - My goal must be lifelong abstinence - a day at a time.

Other Side of Fear

Friday, March 15, 2013

Stay Active in Gamblers Anonymous

March 15 - There have been days during my recovery when just about everything seemed bleak and even hopeless.  I allowed myself to become depressed and angry.  I see now that it doesn't matter what I think, and it doesn't matter how I feel.  It's what I do that counts.  So when I become anxious or upset, I try to stay in recovery by going to meetings, participating, and working with others in the GA Program.

If God seems far away, who moved?

Today I Pray - May I not be immobilized by sadness or anger to the point of despair.  May I look for the roots of despair in my tangle of emotions, soft out the tangle, pull out the culprit feelings, acknowledge that they belong to me.  Only then can I get into gear, take action, begin to accomplish.  May I learn to make use of the energy generated by anger to strengthen my will and achieve my goals.

Today I Will Remember - To sort out my feelings.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Stay Loyal to Fellow Members of GA

March 14 - One thing that keeps me on the right track today is a feeling of loyalty to other members of GA, no matter where they may be.  We depend on each other.  I know, for example, that I'd be letting them down if I ever gambled.  When I came to GA, I found a group of people who were not only helping each other to stay clean, but who were loyal to each other by staying clean themselves.

Am I loyal to my group and to my friends in GA?

Today I Pray - I thank God for the loyalty and fellowship of the group and for the mutuality of commitment that binds us together.  May I give to the group in the same proportion that I take from it.  Having been a taker during so many of my years, my giving used to be no more than a commodity, for which I expected to be paid in approval or love or favors.  May I learn the joy of pure giving, with no strings attached, no expectation of reward.

Today I Will Remember - A perfect gift asks for nothing in return.

Best Days

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Serenity comes from the Inside

March 13 - All my life, I look to others for comfort, security, and all the other things that add up to what I now call serenity.  But I've come to realize that I was always looking in the wrong place.  The source of serenity is not outside, but within myself.  The kingdom is within me, and I already have the key.  All I have to do is to be willing to use it.

Am I using the tools of the GA Program on a daily basis?  Am I willing?

Today I Pray - God gives me the courage to seek out the kingdom inside myself, to find the well spring within me that has its source in the never ending, life giving river of God.  May my soul be restored there.  May I find the serenity I seek.

Today I Will Remember - To seek the inner kingdom.

Be Happy

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Be Set Free to Live and Love

March 12 - If we examine every disturbance we have, great or small, we'll find at the root of it some unhealthy dependency and its consequent unhealthy demand.  So let us, with God's help, continually surrender these crippling liabilities.  Then we can be set free to live and love.  We may be able to Twelfth Step ourselves, as well as others, into emotional well being.

Do I try to carry the message of the GA Program?

Today I Pray - May I first get my emotional and spiritual house in order before I seek to carry out serious commitments in human relationships.  May I look long and thoroughly at "dependency" - upon the highs of gambling or upon other human beings - and recognize it as the source of my unrest.  May I transfer my dependency to God, as I understand Him.

Today I Will Remember - I am God-dependent.

Light a Candle

Monday, March 11, 2013

Have Faith

March 11 - Since I came to GA, I've begun to recognize my previous inability to form a true partnership with another person.  It seems that my egomania created two disastrous pitfalls.  Either I insisted upon dominating the people I knew, or I depended on them far too much.  My friends in the Program have taught me that my dependence meant demand - a demand for the possessions and control of the people and the conditions surrounding me. 

Do I still try to find emotional security either by dominating or being dependent on others?

Today I Pray - May I first turn to God to satisfy my love hunger, knowing that all God asks from me is my faith.  May I no longer cast emotional nets over those I love, either by dominating them or being excessively dependent upon them - which is just another form of domination.  May I give others the room they need to be themselves.  May God show me the way to mature human relationships.

Today I Will Remember - To have faith in God's love.

Tough Times

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Find Inner Truth

March 10 - "We must be true inside, true to ourselves, before we know a truth that is outside us...We make ourselves true inside by manifesting the truth as we see it," wrote Thomas Merton in No Man Is an Island.  Since much of my recovery is based on spiritual progress, it is essential that I start by creating within me a small area of absolute truth and love where God can become rooted.  As I expend that area of truth and love, God will grow within me.  When I came to GA, my spiritual life was at an all time low.

At least for today, will I not allow my compulsions to come between me and my inner truth?

Today I Pray - May I recognize the difference between my feeling today of God within me and the emptiness that existed when I was gambling.  Help me understand that only by continuously seeking and facing the truths about myself will my spiritual recovery progress.

Today I Will Remember - Truth within lets God come in.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Value the Spirit of Life

March 9 - We learning GA that, as we grow spiritually, we find that our old attitudes toward our instinctual drives need to undergo drastic revisions.  Our demands for emotional security and wealth, for personal prestige and power, all have to be tempered and redirected.  We learn that the full satisfaction of these demands cannot be the sole end and aim of our lives.  But when we're willing to place spiritual growth first - then, and only then, do we have a real chance to grow in healthy awareness and mature love.

Am I willing to put spiritual growth first?

Today I Pray - May my development as a spiritual person temper my habitual hankerings for material security.  May I understand that the only real security in life is spiritual.  If I have faith in my Higher Power, these revisions in my attitudes will follow.  May I grow first in spiritual awareness. 

Today I Will Remember - Value the life of the spirit. 

Friday, March 8, 2013

Our Changed Ways

Take an Honest Inventory

March 8 - Merely changing my behavior, and what I say and do, doesn't prove there's been a change in my actual inner attitude.  I'm deceiving myself if I believe I can somehow completely disguise my true feelings.  They'll somehow come through, prolonging the difficulties in my relationships with others.  I have to avoid half measures in getting rid of the troublesome emotions I've been trying to hide.

Have I taken an honest inventory of myself?

Today I Pray - May I know that feelings will come out somehow - sometimes barely disguised as behavior that I cannot always understand.  But that perhaps is more acceptable to me than the root emotion that caused it.  May I be completely and vigilantly honest with myself.  May I be given the insight that comes through depending upon a Higher Power.

Today I Will Remember - Feelings can come out sideways.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Life Given

Problem Gambling a Big Deal to Casinos

(By Sheila Howe 5 P.M.FEB. 22, 2013)- Responsibility. According to, it entails “the state or fact of being responsible, answerable, or accountable for something within one’s power, control, or management.”

There is much we are responsible for. Responsible parenting. Responsible drinking. Responsible gambling. In all these cases, responsibility rests fundamentally with the person directly engaging in the activity or behavior. But also in all these cases, responsibility extends beyond the individual to include friends, family, employees at a bar or casino, and even total strangers in some instances.

Bartenders and restaurants have a responsibility to not over-serve a patron alcohol. If they do, they become civilly and possibly criminally liable. In addition, family, friends and teachers have a legal and ethical duty to intervene if they suspect child abuse.

In the gaming context, there is an expectation that casino customers are mature adults capable of making responsible decisions. There is also a realization on the part of management that, like in many aspects of society and human behavior, a small percentage of individuals may not have the capability to recognize that they may have an addiction or need help. According to the California Council on Problem Gambling, 3.7 percent of adults are problem gamblers.

At Sycuan Casino, staff is trained to identify the signs of potential problem gambling. Our graduated system for dealing with problem gamblers revolves around EPIC: Education, Prevention, Identification or Intervention, and Counseling (or treatment).

We post information with 1-800 numbers and websites, as well as brochures throughout the casino. If our staff sees a customer who may be at a particular machine too long, or has wagered too much, we will step in to advise and make them aware of the situation.

In rare cases, we will offer customers education and resources to get them the counseling they may need, as well as the opportunity to self-exclude themselves from our property. In even rarer cases, management will offer all the above, and proactively exclude a customer from our property. When we take this action we will also share their information with surrounding casinos to help prevent the addiction from growing. Most importantly, we do not offer credit to any customers beyond $25,000, and only based on a thorough credit and background check. Keeping the credit line low is obviously a good business practice, minimizing our exposure to losses. It also serves as an early warning system of potential problems, allowing us to rush help in where it may be needed.

These measures, when applied properly, can get customers the help needed before a problem arises, thereby avoiding great financial and emotional heartache for family and friends. Problem gaming, like problem drinking, is a serious affliction that plagues a very small percentage of our society. However, it is incumbent upon all of us to step in when we see signs of impending trouble and assume a broader responsibility to help ensure the well-being of others. We have a primary responsibility to ourselves but others certainly have responsibilities too, and we must all do our part to help make society a better place for all.

Attitude has measurable effects

March 7 - It's time for me to realize that my attitude - toward the life I'm living and the people in it - can have a tangible, measurable, and profound effect on what happens to me day by day.  If I expect good, then good will surely come to me.  And if I try each day to base my attitude and point of view on sound spiritual foundation, I know it will change all the circumstances of my life for the better, too.

Do I accept the fact that I have been given only a daily reprieve that is contingent on the maintenance of my spiritual condition?

Today I Pray - Since my illness was spiritual - as well as emotional - may I mend spiritually through daily contact with God.  May I find a corner of quiet within me where I can spend a few moments with God.  May God's will be known for me.

Today I Will Remember - To spend a quiet moment with God. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

What is problem gambling?

Problem gambling includes all gambling behavior patterns that compromise, disrupt or damage personal, family or vocational pursuits. The essential features are increasing preoccupation with gambling, a need to bet more money more frequently, restlessness or irritability when attempting to stop, "chasing" losses, and loss of control manifested by continuation of the gambling behavior in spite of mounting, serious, negative consequences. In extreme cases, problem gambling can result in financial ruin, legal problems, loss of career and family, or even suicide. For more information on criteria for gambling problems see ...

Problem Gambling Self Quiz

Don't Duck the Consequences

March 6 - There is no advantage, no profit, and certainly no growth when I deceive myself merely to escape the consequences of my own mistakes.  when I realize this, I know I'll be making progress.  "We must be true inside, true to ourselves, before we can know a truth that is outside us," wrote Thomas Merton in No Man Is an Island.  "But we make ourselves true inside by manifesting the truth as we see it."

Am I true to myself?

Today I Pray - May I count on my Higher Power to help me carry out the truth as I see it.  May I never duck a consequence again.  Consequence ducking became a parlor game for addictive gamblers like me, until we lost all sense of relationship between action and outcome.  Now that I am healing, please God, restore my balance.

Today I Will Remember - Match the act with the consequence.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Don't Blame; Correct Yourself

March 5 - Before I became clean in GA, I blamed all my problems on other people, or on places and things.  Now I'm learning to look squarely at each difficulty, not seeking whom to "blame," but to discover how my attitude helped create my problem or aggravate it.  I must also learn to face the consequences of my own actions and words, and to correct myself when I'm wrong.

Do I practice the Tenth Step by continuing to take my personal inventory?  When I am wrong, do I promptly admit it?

Today I Pray - May I know the blessed relief and unburdening that come when I admit I have done something wrong.  May I learn - perhaps for the first time in my entire life - to take responsibility for my own actions and to face the consequences.  May I learn again how to match actions with consequences.

Today I Will Remember - To take responsibility for my own actions.

Monday, March 4, 2013

To Do List for Today

Keep Commitment

March 4 - We may not know any specifics about the activities of today; we may not know whether we'll be alone or with others.  We may feel the day contains too much time - or not enough.  We may be facing tasks we're eager to complete, or tasks we've been resisting.  Though the details of each person's day differ, each day holds one similarity for us all; each of us has the opportunity to choose to think positive toughs.  The choice depends less on our outside activities than on our inner commitment.

Can I accept that I alone have the power to control my attitude?

Today I Pray - May I keep the fire of inner commitment alive through this whole, glorious day, whether my activities are a succession of humdrum tasks or free form and creative.  May I choose to make this a good day for me, and for those around me.

Today I Will Remember - Keep the commitment.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

National Problem Gambling Awareness Week

National Problem Gambling Awareness Week

March 3-9, 2013

2013 Theme - "Problem Gambling: A New Understanding of a Community Concern"

The National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG) is pleased to present the National Problem Gambling Awareness Week (NPGAW) campaign, a grassroots public awareness and outreach campaign. The goal of this campaign is to educate the general public, and health care professionals about the warning signs of problem gambling and raise awareness about the help that is available both locally and nationally. 

NCPG is the national advocate for programs and services to assist problem gamblers and their families. Research finds that 2%-3% of the US population will have a gambling problem in any given year. That’s 6 million to 9 million Americans yet only a small fraction seek out services, such as treatment and self-help recovery programs. There is hope and help for those who suffer from gambling problems.

Sort the Real from the Unreal

March 3 - I've begun to understand myself better since I've come to GA.  One of the most important things I've learned is that opinions aren't facts.  Just because I feel that a thing is so doesn't necessarily make it so.  "Men are not worried by things," wrote the Greek philosopher Epictetus, "but by their ideas about things.  When we meet with difficulties, become anxious or troubled, let us not blame others, but rather ourselves.  That is:  our ideas about things."

Do I believe that I can never entirely lose what I have learned during my recovery?

Today I Pray - May I learn to sort out realities from my ideas about those realities.  May I understand that situations, things - even people - take on the colors and dimensions of my attitudes about them.

Today I Will Remember - To sort the real from the unreal.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Community Awareness!

Think about your Qualities

March 2 - Why don't I spend part of today thinking about my assets, rather than my liabilities?  Why not think about victories, instead of defeats - about the ways in which I am gentle and kind?It's always been my tendency to fall into a sort of cynical self-hypnosis, putting derogatory labels on practically everything I've done, said, or felt.  Just for today, I'll spend a quiet half hour tyring to gain a more positive perspective on my life.

Do I have the courage to change the things I can?

Today I Pray - Through quietness and reassessment of myself, may I develop a more positive attitude.  If I am a child of God, created in God's image, there must be goodness in me.  I will think about that goodness, and the ways it manifests itself.  I will stop putting myself down, even in my secret thoughts.  I will respect what is God's.  I will respect myself.

Today I Will Remember - Self respect for God.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Past is just a story

GA = Great Attitude

March 1 - Now that we're free and no longer gambling, we have so much more control over our thinking.  More than anything, we're able to alter our attitudes.  Some members of GA, in fact, choose to think of the letters GA as an abbreviation for "Great Attitude."  In the bad old days, I almost always responded to any optimistic or positive statements with, "Yes, but..."  Today, in contract, I'm learning to eliminate that negative phrase from my vocabulary.

Am I working to change my attitude?  Am I determined to "accentuate the positive?"

Today I Pray - May I find that healing and strength that God provides to those who stay near Him.  May I keep to the spiritual guidelines of the GA Program, considering the Steps, taking the Steps - one by one - then practicing them again and again.  In this is my salvation.

Today I Will Remember - To practice at least one Step.