Thursday, June 13, 2013

GA Program works

June 13 - I don't believe that the Gamblers Anonymous Program and the Twelve Steps work because I read it in a book, or because I hear other people say so.  I believe it because I see other people recovering and because I know that I, too, and recovering.  No longer do I believe that I am "helpless and hopeless."  When I see the change in other people and in myself, I know that the Program works.  when a television reporter once asked the philosopher Jung if he believed in God, Jung replied slowly, "I don't believe.  I know."

Do I know that the Program works?

Today I Pray - Show me the happy endings, the mended lives, the reconstituted selves, the rebuilt bridges, so I will not have to accept on faith the fact that the program works.  May I see it working - for others and for me.  May I be grateful for the documented reality of the Program's success.  May this certainty help me find the faith I need to follow the Twelve Steps.

Today I Will Remember - The Gamblers Anonymous Program works.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure if the 12 steps work or not. I can say the group brought me to the blog and the blog works!!! so , looks like the 12 step program brought me to this site through the power of God. It works and heals!!!!
